Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cosplay 101: Things that Every Beginner Needs to Know When Making Cosplay

When I first started getting into Cosplay, I had SO MANY questions--and my friends who introduced me to the hobby--well, they couldn't answer or didn't know how to answer them at all.  So, I was completely clueless and had no idea what I was doing except that I was going to cosplay so-and-so for my first anime convention.  I had no sewing skills.  And I had no answers at the time.

I didn't even know where to go to if I needed help or if there cosplayers online who can even help me out.

And so, I've decided to put together a list of things that every beginner should know before getting seriously involved in Cosplay:

1.  Start with a costume that works with your sewing/craft level.  

No, seriously.

If you have basic sewing skills, you can start out with cosplays such as Kingdom Hearts' Namine or school uniforms.  Or you can go shopping for similar-looking clothes and alter/make changes to them to fit the character you want to cosplay.

It's also great if you have friends who are more skilled or have expert craftsmanship--but do make sure to credit them for helping you out.  It's bad rep for you if you go around, taking 100% credit for everything if they went out of their way to help make the costume with you.

I was fortunate enough to have my dad help me out, him being a retired tailor, so I cut out the pre-made costume pattern while he did the sewing.  I always made sure to let people know when they ask--that he helped me make the cosplay.

Or you can buy or commission a cosplay online.  When you commission a cosplay from someone, always know that you are paying for both the materials and labor work they've put into the outfit.  Always make sure to read every line of the contract and remember them well.  There will be commissioners who won't do refunds and some will do partial.  It's a reminder to you that if you want a commission, make sure that you are in this for 100%--or just don't.

Buying a cosplay online means purchasing the whole outfit or outfit and accessories.  Always make sure to compare prices from various websites or sellers and read reviews before making a purchase.

Kisa Sohma cosplay from 'Fruits Basket.'
Winter of 2012.
2. Have reference images of the character you want to cosplay.

Always make sure to have lots of reference pictures of the character from all different angles--and they have to be reliable and if you can, all official images from the video games/cartoon/anime/etc.  
You'll need it when you go fabric shopping as you'll want to compare fabric colors to the images or to make guesses on how heavy or light the fabric could be, according to how it's worn by the model.  This makes it easier to also identify what kind of fabric you may want to buy for your costume.

My friends and I find that having a sketchbook comes in handy as well.  When we gather all of our reference image together, we sketch out our characters on paper--front view and back view.

3.  Have someone with you when you do fabric/cosplay shopping.

Try to have a family member, friend, or someone close accompany you when you go shopping for fabric.  Ask them for their opinions when you find something that matches the character's outfit or fabric, whether it involves which of the two swatches of color-fabric is a closer match to the character's shirt or asking them if the billowing skirt could be cotton or something else.  Pay attention to details, and it'll really help!

Also, buy costume patterns!  Buy the ones that closely resemble your cosplay if you're planning to make one from scratch.  For example: You want to make a Japanese school girl uniform, so you purchase a costume pattern for sailor-style shirts and pleated skirts.

4.  Keep a calendar and time in mind.

When you're working on cosplay, try to prioritize which part of the costume you need to work on first and next.  If the con is taking place in four months, then, do the shopping as soon as possible--and make a schedule.  Time is especially important for you if you were to order or commission a cosplay from someone--or if you're going to make the cosplay from scratch.

Current cosplay in progress work.
For example: If you need to make the school uniform shirt, spend the first week of January to cut out the pattern pieces you bought or draft it out (if you know how)--and cutting out fabric.  The second week can be used to put the fabric pieces together (sewn or run through a sewing machine).

5.  Take breaks!

It's great to work on your cosplay all day and all night to get it done in time for the convention, but for your own health and safety, do make sure to take breaks.  Use the restroom, eat, take a short nap, stretch and walk around for a bit...

It's all right to take breaks!

I once had a friend who dozed off when he was running a cosplay through a sewing machine--and he hurt his hand!  So, never work with a sewing machine if you're sleepy!

6.  Add some fun into cosplay-making!

Invite your cosplay buddies over to your house or plan a sleepover party where you all help each other in making costumes.  Put on some music to help concentrate--or put on the anime/cartoon series that you all are cosplaying from to boost motivation (if you are cosplaying from these two genres)!  Talk, sing, whatever it is to keep the fun in--and to motivate you all to make the best cosplays you can crank out!

7.  Make sure to wash and clean your cosplay wigs.

8.  Be careful with cosplays--and present yourself well!

Before the con starts--and you're all in your hotel room--make sure to iron that pleated skirt, uniform shirt, the jacket--whatever that needs to be ironed--make sure it's ironed and clean.  Treat it as your precious baby--because it is ;u;  Good cosplay presentation makes a huge difference!

Make sure everything is in place.  Make sure those zippers are up and closed.  Make sure that wig sits well on your head.

9.  And one last thing: Have tons of fun at the convention!

I hope that you all find this helpful, and I also wish those of you who are looking forward into making your own cosplays lots of fun! Be safe!  And always remember: Hyrdrate yourself, eat, take restroom breaks, keep good hygiene, and have good sleep (or try to)!



'Tales of' Cosplay gathering at Fanime.
I cosplayed Anise Tatlin (right, pink).
Fanime of 2013.

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